pemex gas station

Twenty four people have died after an undetected leak caused a deadly petrochemical plant explosion in Mexico.

The massive explosion at the facility’s chlorinate 3 plant in the Gulf state of Veracruz also injured 136 people, 13 of them seriously. Another 18 people were unaccounted for, and one badly damaged part of the plant had yet to be scoured.

“We know there was a leak, what we don’t know is why, but everything points to an accident,” Gonzalez Anaya said.

The sharp odor of ammonia filled the air and the plants’ turbines still streamed gray smoke on Thursday afternoon, where local and municipal police, as well as marines, blocked the entrance to the facility.

Most officials wore blue face masks to protect against the fumes, while family members crowded around, their faces uncovered, demanding more information on missing relatives and at times throwing objects at the officials or pushing them. Others held hands and prayed for the missing and dead.

It is clear that the appropriate gas detection equipment was not installed and this oversight has tragically resulted in the death of 24 people & the serious injury of 136 other people.


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